News from the world of
typewriters, calculating machines
and office history

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Historische Bürowelt No. 91 released

This issue contains

  • Alexander Rechnitzer - inventor of the first
    fully automatic calculating machine Autarith
    English translation, appendix (member area)
  • Rechnitzer's one-hand typewriter
  • Rechnitzer's "speaking" ADIX
  • Typewriter production in Austria
    with English translation, see member area
  • Book reviews

Martin Reese

New: HBw-Aktuell 04/2013 (member area)

In this issue (among others):

  • Curiosities of historical office technology
  • Auction in Hamburg Braak
  • CeBiT meeting in Hannover-Berenbostel
  • Regional meeting at the Jacobi collection in Cologne
and, as usual: advertisements, market reflections, this & that ...

Peter Muckermann

Review on The Great Calculation Weekend (Nov. 9th - 11th 2012, Los Angeles)

Calculators are silent, ubiquitous, boring, and utterly reliable - to the point where you don’t even question the answers that you get. In the early 1960’s they were big, heavy, noisy, smelly objects. They had unique interfaces and needed constant maintenance for reliability. Calculation was a visceral process that shook the entire table.

Mark Glusker gave a talk about his collection of mechanical calculating machines and what makes them so compelling: from their mechanical complexity to the unique interfaces, and industrial design. After the talk there was an orchestrated calculation performed simultaneously by 6 mechanical calculators and members of the audience.

Great Calculation Weekend from machine project on Vimeo.

Video: Maria Mortati & Mark Glusker

New: HBw-Aktuell 03/2013 (member area)

In this issue (among others):

  • Curiosities of historical office technology
  • SHBS members’ workshop in Pfäffikon
  • North German Meeting - final announcement
and, as usual: advertisements, market reflections, this & that ...

Peter Muckermann

Wichtiger Hinweis zum Sammlertreffen am 16. März in Garbsen

Auf diesem Treffen werden Ullrich Wolff und Michael Lewin einen sehr interessanten Vortrag halten. Sie berichten über den von Ihnen erstellten Nachbau einer Rechenmaschine von Otto Steiger. Es handelt sich um den 2. Prototypen auf dem Weg zur berühmten "Millionär". Natürlich werden sie Ihren Nachbau für Vorführungen dabei haben. Das ist sicher für alle Rechenmaschinen-Sammler ein Pflichttermin...

Peter Muckermann

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